I have had mine for almost 2 years. I am a big fan of backpack style vacs. They are far easier to use on carpeted stairs than any other configuration. Light weight uprights or hand helds don't clean deep enough. Canisters are fall down the stair easily especially with step stairs. And full size uprights are too awkward to maneuver easily. On flat areas, the efficiency of being able to move more freely is also an advantage over other styles. Just not as dramatic as on stairs. I have the optional power kit and a small upholstery head which doesn't appear to be available anymore. Neither isn't perfect. Frankly, the upholstery head which is turbine driven is not very good. One has to keep the pressure very light on the surface or it stalls. The power head works well, but takes much more effort to move on thick carpet than most canister vacs with power heads. I think it is the wheel arrangement. But the vac itself is outstanding. The suction power exceeds any other vac I have used. I would highly recommend it. One note. I found my efficiency improved by replacing the 50 foot cord with a 25 foot cord. Moving the plug more frequently beat the additional cord tangling. But that would depend on your layout and outlet availability.